วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Diary #1

Diary #1

This week have most activities. On Monday, I was stay at home in Korat. I came back to home is 4 days. I was visiting my parent. This first day I don’t drive a car. I happy. I was feeling tired driving a car. Today have friend’s my father visit my father. Friend’s my father and my father has a new project. They look a factory. My mother and me sleep at home wait my father for eat lunch together.We went to eat out side. We eat finish. Friend’s my father come back to Bangkok. My parent and me came back to home. At home I was watching televisions. About 22:00 pm. I hurry go to the bed for sleep, because tomorrow I will go to Bangkok and I will get up in the morning.
On Tuesday, in the morning I wake up late in the morning. I went drop in to my friend. She name is “ F ”. She is my best friend. I love her very much. She studies at BuraparUniversity. Me went to Bangkok with her. I was talking about with her though the way. I arrive at Bangkok. I send her at bus station, after that I came back to home in Bangkok. I very tried. I was steeping.
On Wednesday, I study crime Law 3 at 09:30 am. I learn finish. I went wash a car, it clean. I like it. I went to drop in my friend at ABAC. We were eating dinner near ABAC, after that I came back to home. I read the books and watch television along in my bad room and sleeping.
On Thursday, I was learning all day. In the morning I learning English for law 1, learn about story “ the firm”. This book talks about law firm and tax law. I learn finish, after that I eat lunch with my friends. At 12:30 pm. I was learning World Civil. Learn about history in the world. I am very drowsy in class. Finish class, I wait next class. I wait about 3 hours. It’s very free time. I don’t have activities. I sleep and read books. I wait a long time T feel to be bored. At 17:00 pm. I went to learn. Finish about at 17:30 pm. I have dinner with my friends. After that I came back to home. I make homework and sleeping.
On Friday are a holiday, but I not to take a rest. Because my friends 2 person contest Ducthie-girl at Centrl. I came back to home. I went to home’s friend. I sleep that. We talk about to all day in a contest. It fun and my friend enjoy it.
On Saturday, I get up lest in the morning. I very hurry drive to ABAC for learn Criminal law 2, after that I have a lunch with my friend. And finish I came back to home. I sleep in the evening to night. I wake for take a bath. After that I sleep again.
On Sunday is holiday. I get up very last in the morning. This all day I make homework and watch television. I stay at home.
